Martina Cornell
Head of the section: Prof. Martina Cornel


Research at the Interface of Genetics and Public Health

The section Community Genetics aims to investigate and promote responsible application of medical genetics at the population/group level. We strive to maximize benefit for both individuals in the community and for society, and to minimize potential harm.

We ask:


  • How can genetic testing/services in (public) healthcare be organized?
  • What do patients, professionals, and the public think about it?
  • Ethical, legal and policy issues: Is it allowed? Who will fund it?
  • What are recommendations for good (clinical) practice?

“Innovations in genomics are happening at light speed. To make new health technologies available to the public in a responsible manner, we carefully assess benefits, impact, and potential harms. As such, we work in close harmony with care providers, ethicists, patient organizations, policymakers, and public health funding agencies.” – Prof. Martina Cornel

To learn more, see our website.